Wednesday, December 17, 2014

OATMEAL MONSTERS...and a possible hallowed out leg?

Ok, so funny story, I started making a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, and Lily decided she wanted to have some. So like the awesome (read: weak willed) parent I am, I made her a bowl. An adult portion size bowl. And..she ate the whole thing.

Then some toast.

Then she finished my oatmeal because heaven knows I have the stomach size of an infant anymore thanks to this little man I'm growing. But back to the point, She ate all of that and still wanted more!

How in the world?! And that wasn't the last time either. She now wants oatmeal every morning, but won't just stop at one bowl. I'm beginning to think that she has a hallow leg or something...I don't know, maybe the stomach of a man? Haha, my hubs loves that she eats so much! He's always amazed when we have dinner and she will just sit there and eat right along side of him.

I'm always amazed that she hasn't become a chunk yet haha. She is still long and skinny! Here's some proof! ;)

Anyway, I just thought that I'd see if this is happening to the rest of the world? Because if she keeps this up we may be eaten out of house and home haha!

But for reals, how am I supposed to feed her and a baby boy?? What if he has the same appetite??...I may need to invest in the oatmeal companies because I'm pretty sure that I'm keeping them in business lol!

On a side note, I'm trying to teach Lily how to eat with silverware. It's a slow and messy process though. Any tips from you seasoned Momma's out there?



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