Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Free To Fail...


Today I am learning a very hard lesson. One that I have been learning since I came to know of Christ. A lesson that is difficult but is also very freeing once you understand and accept it. 

This lesson is in Failure.

Let me just tell you that I tend to learn the hardest lessons over silly little mistakes and mishaps. For example, today I was trying to do a million and one things after I came home from work. Lily, our beautiful and sweet baby, was fussy and didn't want anything to do with being put down. For some reason she wanted to be held and nothing else would do. 

For those of you with children or who have had to care for children, you know how difficult it is to get anything done when both of your hands are tied up in baby pants and keeping their fingers out of your hair...Anyway, to continue with our story, I worked very hard on making two homemade loaves of bread before my wonderful Hubby came home. I listened and tried to soothe Lily for nearly an hour as I prepped and made the dough and held her while I let it rise. After three excruciating hours of work, the bread was ready to bake. My AMAZING ( I did tell you he was amazing right?) Hubs put the bread in the oven for me while I was doing my workout. 

When we pulled out the bread we buttered it thinking it would harden a little. That the crust would get crispy. Unfortunately it didn't. We realized that it was still doughy and tried to put it back in the oven to cook a little longer. Lets just say that trying to bake buttered bread isn't wise... butter smokes.....a lot. 
This doughy, smoking bread caused me to cry in frustration and anger. I basically estranged myself from my wonderfully amazing Hubby because he was being "too reasonable" and didn't want to make the house smokey by baking the bread. It's moments like this that remind me that God probably, most definitely made Matthew with me in mind. 

Matthew showed me patience, understanding, and love in these last two hours than I could begin to tell you. This man right here... sitting next to me actually, is an amazing Man of God. As I laid on the bed talking to him about failure and unrealistic expectations, he said something to me... something I don't think I can ever forget. 

He said, "Christ died for us so that way we don't have to try to be perfect!....I don't want a wife that is perfect, I want one that will make mistakes with me."

My friends, I want to leave you with this idea, this Truth. We are free to fail. You are not defined by what you do.. you are defined by Who He is.

I am not defined as the girl who ruins loaves but rather the daughter of the Most High.
I am not defined as the person who can do nothing right but rather as the daughter who is a new creation. 

We are Free to Fail because that is not who we are..we are Children of God, loved and treasured. We are forgiven and redeemed, washed in the blood of the Lamb. We are defined by what Christ has done for us, not the things we have done.

So remember this when you learn this lesson, failure isn't who you are..your identity is found in Christ. 



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