Friday, June 2, 2017

Learning to Shabbath..aka Sabbath

Hey again!
So I've been going to a ladies bible study for a while now, over a year I believe, wow! And I've been amazed at what I've learned about fellowship and friendship and how the Body of Christ is supposed to work. This group of gals has changed my life and my walk with Jesus.
We have been doing Priscilla Shirer's study called Breathe, and let me tell you..whew! Jesus has been reshaping what I believe rest to be, through this study.

I've learned that rest is more than just stopping everything so I can have "Me time". It is more than sitting on the sofa and vegging in front of the tv.

Sabbath rest, from what I've learned so far, is about creating margin for fellowship with Jesus. It is about actively setting aside time to worship Him. It is about getting rid of excess in either your schedule, closet, to do list, or mentality, and choosing to keep those things from crossing over their boundaries.

You've heard the phrase "Everything in moderation" before, right?

I'm learning to see the signs of when things are no longer in moderation..when I'm irritable at people for interrupting what I'm doing, when things that shouldn't fall to the side, do..when it consumes my thoughts and my desires, and most importantly, when it causes me to stop actively seeking Truth.

I'm realizing that although I've been freed from my slavery to self and sin, that I'm still living like a slave.. I'm still holding on, gripping with white knuckles, clutched tightly to my chest, the things that I believe will set me free..will bring me peace..will make me happy.

Things I think I need..

What. A. LIE.

I've been seeking everything but the One who can set me free..who has set me free..

I've been a seeker for everything that doesn't shows, video games, books, being a "good wife", seeking and seeking and seeking everything but Jesus.

I'm done.

I'm taking a Sabbath rest from being a seeker...
From seeking what people might consider good or ok things to be seeking out. And in this case, it is a matter of my walk with Jesus, not whether it is wrong to seek what your passions are.

I've been unknowingly making this an idol. 

Finding who I am other than a mom, what I like to do, what skills and passions I have.

I've felt the gentle hand of God, and seen the grace and miracle He has given me, and am choosing to fall on my face before the throne of Him who loves me more than anyone could ever love me. Who cares for me more than this earth and the galaxies He has created!

Who am I to forget all He has done?? Who am I that He even loves me? After all the times I've sinned against Him and turned from Him.

Oh God.. You are surely gracious and deserve the praise of everything You've made.

How great is our God! ❤

My friend, if you feel the gently prodding or sometimes the brick wall of God talking to you, 

DON'T turn away.

Don't be afraid to ask Him if there is something that is outside of its boundaries in your life. You'll be amazed at the freedom you forgot He's given you.


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