So let's start.
As some of you know, when we found out we were pregnant with our first baby, we were so happy. Like over the moon ecstatic. Then when we went in for our first appointment we found out it was, unfortunately, an ectopic pregnancy.
We were demolished. Our choices were to either take meds to abort the pregnancy, or wait a little while and see if the pregnancy ended naturally. After spending hours crying and praying and crying, Matthew and I decided to wait and see if it would happen naturally.
It did.
To be honest, the physical pain was so much easier to bear than the emotional hurt we were feeling.
We lost our baby. And we didn't even know what to call our child, was it a she? A he? To be honest, I'm still grieving.
But by grace, we pressed on.
Thankfully, this pregnancy went perfectly, and our little babe Lily is such a beautiful reminder that grace is sufficient and that God is good, even when you don't understand the hardships in life.
Fast foreword one crazy, hectic, tearful, overwhelmingly awesome year, and we are now expecting our baby #3, Leon James.
Anyway, I'm being honest here when I say that I ask Matt, more often than I should, "What if I don't love him as much as Lily?" And that is my straight up fear, yo. I'm so scared that I can't love anyone else as much as I love our little Lily, our hope child. I've been told that your heart just gets bigger, and that Love doesn't divide, it multiplies, but I'm still scared. Matt says that these fears will dissipate as we get closer to meeting him.
Honestly though, I'm 5+ months in and I just feel like a big round wrecking ball of emotions and hormones. Nine times out of ten I feel exhausted and don't want to do anything. Being pregnant with Lily was such a joy, but this time around, even though I love feeling him kick, I'm just tired. So. Tired.
I think that once Leon is born, I'll be able to post about how much my heart has grown and it's capacity to love another sweet babe. I'll post pictures about our beautiful baby boy and how much of my heart he's stolen.
But until then, I'm going to be right here, trying to survive the daily routine. Learning to keep up with a toddler, housework, and still get rest for this pregnant momma. So a shout out to you pregnant momma's, I'm so right there with ya. You are not alone in your exhausted, emotional pregnancy. :) So take heart, it's only a season.
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