Well, I'm here to help out that momma guilt because my friend, you are not alone. It's time like these when for your sake and for theirs you need to put them in their bed or crib or create a brand spankin new reason for a quite time and stick yourself in your bathroom or bedroom and closet even!
No shame momma, no shame. We've all been there, and for you to be the best mom that you can be, your glass needs to be overflowing. So take this time to seek Jesus. Pray for patience, and the grace you need to show your kiddos, because no matter how much you love them, you can't do this alone. Especially when they are driving you up a wall.
So take some time today, and when you can't handle anymore, stick yourself wherever you can and worship the God who gives us peace, and pray and rest. We all know that there is no such person as a supermom, and sometimes that stinkin sin natures rears it's head and we can't do anything to stop it.
But Jesus can.

I promise you aren't ruining them. They probably won't remember the time you locked yourself in the bathroom and cried, or you can even put music on and have a dance party with your kiddos. You get to worship and be filled and they get to dance and have fun! Now that's a win-win right??
If you only get one thing out of this my friend, then know that it's ok. Take the time you need to be filled, because parenting isn't easy, and you are not supposed to do it alone.
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