Thursday, December 4, 2014

Bittersweet Memories.

So, as we draw nearer to seeing our baby boy in April, I can't help but remember our first baby. We are so blessed to have Lily, but we are also sad about the loss of our first child. I have a feeling though that losing a child is something that will stay with Matt and I our entire lives. I know that neither of us wants to forget that precious first babe.

Although we never met our child, losing him or her was an experience we never want to have again. And for those women and men who have felt the pain of losing a child, either in the womb or after birth..I can not express my sorrow for your loss. Losing a child is something that no parent should have to endure, and contrary to popular belief, a babe in the womb is still a life, and a sorrowful loss.

I know that I can't speak for everyone, but I've found that time has healed that wound for the most part and now it's not as hard to remember our dear babe. We can look back with bittersweet memories. Like waking Matthew up in the early morning with the good news, and dreaming up what our family would look like. They were the firsts for us. Our first glimpse into the family life we wanted, our first pregnancy test.

Like I said, they are bittersweet. Yet we wouldn't want to forget them even if we could.

I know some can't quite relate, while others have deeper sorrows they bear. And whatever season of life you are in, you are not alone. For us, with this little one coming, we can't help but be grateful for the support of our families and friends. The way God has used them to provide for us has been amazing. We are so blessed to have such support.

So whether you can sit there and relate or not, just take the time, during this "Happiest Time Of The Year", to encourage someone who is carrying a heavy burden. If you can, see if they wouldn't mind some support. I know that even though we didn't want to talk about it for a while, knowing that people cared and were praying was more comforting than hearing " I'm sorry" all the time.

Anyway, I hope that this encouraged someone. :)



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