As I sit here on my sofa, watching my kiddos go from happily playing to pushing and arguing, I have a moment of wonder. Who am I that God has blessed me with these two beautiful children?? Who am I that He has given me the responsibility to take care of these two little humans? These two eternal souls are in the hands of my husband and I.
Motherhood is such a blessing, and such a challenge all at once. What a blessing to be able to raise these little arrows, these little humans to praise the Lord and seek Him. This verse in Proverbs 22:6 has been one that I have committed to my memory and put into my heart. "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." Now, my parents did the best they could, but I was not raised in a home that was 100% Christian. We espoused and lived many values that are 'Christian', and I remember being dragged to church (sorry Mom and Dad haha) but I didn't learn verses growing up, I didn't go to church regularly or youth group or Awana (if you are familiar with that) and this is something that I want my children to grow up in. I want them to be so filled and so permeated with God's Word that they can't help but turn to God, they can't help but to have verses flood their minds during hard times, or glorify our God when they are blessed by Him. I want them to be so filled with Christ and have their minds overflowing with His love and truth.

I want to create a legacy; a new legacy of following Christ with every fiber of our being.
But I'm realizing that for a new legacy to be created, for their minds to be overflowing with truth and Christ, that I need to be completely immersed and overflowing from Him as well. I can't expect my children to just somehow magically learn truth and learn about Christ and God without me living out my faith and teaching them and telling them about who He is and why He came.
I'm told that children learn a lot from what they see and hear around them. I've seen this true, with my kids picking up rather adult words like "freak out" or "actually" or "I'd rather not". I've also seen this true with watching how they pick up after themselves, they didn't learn to clean on their own, they saw Matt and I clean and learned by watching. This is so so important to remember. Children pick up so much of what they see and hear rather than say, what you just outright tell them. Children learn by example.
If you and I are similar, we want to teach our children what following Christ looks like, what dieing to yourself looks like. We want to show our children grace and truth and love, and what glorifying God with your heart, mind, soul, and body looks like in a day to day life.

I know this isn't easy, we all have those days where it is crazy and hard and you reach the end of yourself. You snap, or react through anger in a situation instead of responding in a grace filled way. I've been there, actually I was there two days ago! Lily walked in, and woke me up saying that she was going to tell me the "truef" haha and proceeded to tell me she put shaving cream all over her brother...it turned out she slathered Leon with diaper rash cream! Lets say I took the kids to their grandparents for a bit..my version of witness protection hahaha! We all needed a break and spending time with Grandma was such a relief after a crazy morning.

Just something to chew on.
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