Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wordy Wednesday!!

Hey Hey Hey!

So besides the fact that our Lily doesn't like grass... I've found a little under a billion books that I want to read!!! I have decided to get your input on them and to also give you a little peep into them as I go about reading! I'll try to update about every wednesday or every other, with awesome tid bits that I read. But considering that this is the first Wordy Wednesday, I'll give you a list of the books that I am going to try to finish!

So first off, here are the awesome books that I am planning on reading soon....ish.......before I die.......hopefully..

P.s I put links in here that will take you to their page on Amazon. I bought them in paperback but I'm pretty sure that you can get them as a kindle book... probably. :)

Wordy Wednesday:

Alright! So there are the books that I am going to attempt to read and finish soon....hopefully. And I promise next wednesday to put in some little tid bits from them as I start reading!! 



P.s Has anyone else read these books? If so what did you think? Do you agree with them? Were any especially amazing?

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