Saturday, May 24, 2014

Save Those Burnt Pans!!

Ok so silly me never realized that I could cook things wrapped in tinfoil in the oven.

I know, right?! 

Anyway, I baked sweet potatoes on my nonstick pan....because I didn't want them to stick, and guess what. 

They stuck. Hard core. 

My beautiful pan was all black and gross and burnt. :( sad day. 

BUT I found this AWESOME pin on Pinterest and it is a life..well pan..saver in the kitchen!!

(Disclaimer: I used baking soda and peroxide. I have not tried vinegar!!)

So what you do is you take your pans with burnt on gunk and junk and you put baking soda on it. (I'll post pictures the next time I have to do this, promise!)

I literally poured about half an inch on the black spots. Then I poured hydrogen peroxide on the baking soda and let the pan soak in that for roughly 5 or so hours (I wanted to make sure it had enough time to work :) ) and then I rinsed it out and used a spatula to scrape the gunk off!! It looks almost like new! 

Now only if my mother-in-law didn't see what a mess I made haha. ;)

But really, that woman is amazing! She is the one that showed me I could put sweet potatoes wrapped in tinfoil in the oven!! :D I'm eternally grateful! 

Anyway! I thought I would share my new discovery!! I hope y'all enjoy! And please let me know if this works on set in black pans! Mine was only about a week old..give or take. 

Oh and if you have any awesome cooking tricks or cleaning tips they are most welcome!! 



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