Friday, May 23, 2014

Five Minute Fridays!

Five Minute Friday

Hahaha ok so I know I said that fridays were going to be Faithful Fridays, but I hope y'all are ok with me changing and learning and figuring out what I want to write about. I'm not saying that Faithful Fridays are done, but I think that they might need to be more like Faithful-First-Friday-Of-Every-Month kind of a deal. :) 

So I've been looking around and trying to find something fun to do on fridays so that way I stay accountable and actually write instead of nap..hahaha..but seriously. I'm pretty sure that I'd rather be sleeping :P

Anyway! I found this awesome idea from Lisa Jo-Baker. She does something called Five Minute Fridays. She puts up a prompt and then we have five minutes to write a post, no editing, no backtracking, nothing, just raw, real, and simply for the love of writing. Then we link up with her page and are able to see posts from other people!

So I may try this out!

Today's prompt is:


So today I had a really great convo with a girlfriend from college. She and her little family have decided that they are going to follow the call of the Lord to overseas missions! How amazing right? Honestly, hearing her heart and chatting with her was one of the hardest conversations I've had in a while. Yet it was so so good.

You see, I was so close. I was so close to going overseas and seeing my dream of reaching tribal groups with the Gospel. I had gone to school and was ready to go. I was ready to say goodbye to everything.

But the Lord closed that door.

And while I'm sad, I'm also so very, very grateful. You see, while that door is shut for now, He showed me the way to my husband and this life.

And I love our life. I LOVE my husband. I don't regret choosing this life.

So while one door was shut, another was opened.

So just a friendly reminder that while you might be saddened that one door has closed, remember my dear friends that God might just have other plans. Ones that we can't quite see yet.

And don't be afraid to walk in faith and see where this new door leads...




  1. I love that God is in control even though it seems that sometimes He is messing with our minds. He always knows best. Visiting you from the Five Minute Friday link up! Blessings, Mary

  2. Very sweet and heartfelt post. I have been in your shoes. Believe sometimes it is hard to figure it out. The position is God knows exactly what is going on. I really enjoyed meeting you from 5 Min. Friday. I am glad you joined the linky. Come by and see me. I have a few posts on my Mission 4 Monday label you might enjoy them. Have a great weekend.
